
List of all Subbed MV/PV's
Fahrenheit: Just Loving Fahrenheit
TANK: Give Me Your Love
Jam Hsiao - First Live Concert
Dropped Projects
First Kiss Wiki - Episode 01 - soft/hard RELEASED
Love at First Fight Wiki - Subtitles - Episode 01-06 Hard released.
The Price of Greed Wiki
The Concerto Wiki - Episodes 1-4 Hard released.
CONGRATS ON your first COMPLETED PROJECT! Hoping for many more. xD
congratulations on your first completed projects !
Thanks for subbing, sharing and making your subtitles the better you can!
Also thanks for subbing so many different kind of dramas :)
WOW! I don't know why other people were complaining at you for being slow. I say you're pretty fast, seeing as how you got A LOT of dramas on your hands. Anyways, eat a cookie and enjoy your first completed drama!
I stumbled across this series while browsing the site...and I am So Frickin' Glad I did. :D
Thank you so so very much for what you do and huge congratulations for your first completed series. I know that many more will follow and wish you guys (and gals ;) the very best in the future.
Jia You!
We all aprecciate your hard work and hope that you continue to do this things in order to make us ppl happy ^_~
Congrats on your first completed project. I'm happy for you! Thanks for the hard work =)
does anyone know a site like veoh where i can watch this in subbed version? thanks!
gong xi!!!! u did a very great job....
congrats =] *claps*
keep up the awesome work! =]
yay congratulations =)
you guys are awesome =)
totally support u guys
thanks you very much for your hard work and congratulations.
the "Completed Projects" is now filled up.
Thanks a lot for you hard work!
Keep them coming ( the series...)
Congratulations on your FIRST COMPLETED DRAMA!
CONGRATs on finishing the project! i really liked the series! thanks SO much for subbing and keep up the great work!
congrats on Why Why Love. it was awesome. love the current and future dramas you guys have
congrats for finishing why why love. now i can watch the whole thing without waiting *claps*
Congrats!! THumbs UP for the great work!!!!Keep it coming..
hey thanx for all the dramas I just wanted to say that I speak french and it's not le robe it's LA robe!:) So thanx and keep going!
PS:I hope we get ep 6 of Love at First Fight soon)8D
Thanks for all the effort.
Hope someone can help to seed for Why Why Love and le robe, cos I'm still less than 10% and really looking forward to watch these 2 movies...pls pls...
Omgosh !
I've only just found this group, and I love you guys already. xD
I've been looking for Le Robe De Mariage Des Cieux for a gazillion years. BUT NOW THE LOOKING CAN STOP !
Omgosh ! *excited*
If I was majorly fluent in mando and stuff, I would so join this group. T_T
Unfortunately, my two year old cousin is better than me. T_T
i just want to thank you guys for doing a great job in subbing asian dramas! I've watched why why love, hotaru no hikari and itazura na kiss.
thanks!! keep up the good work!
Thank you for subbing ItaKiss!
DoReMii Fansubs -- you guys are amazing! I hope you guys keep up the good work and the passion for dramas and bishies. (^_____^)v
WOW!!! ^O^ So many completed and new dramas!! Amazing!!
Will you be releasing batch torrents for Love Storm, Mean Girl Ah Chu, and Legend of Star Apple?
I haven't started downloading these yet, but would like to watch them sometime in the future; and downloading a batch torrent is much easier than downloading each episode one by one!
Thank-you very much for all your hard work - both subbing dramas and music videos! I try to add karaoke effects to music videos but ultimately fail at that!
May good fortune fall upon you :3
I would also like it if Love Storm and Legend of Star Apple is in batch :) Its way easier to download, Hope it can be done!
Thanks for giving us so many good series Doremii!
And really this summer u guys have out done urself with so many releases!!! ;D
Just wanted to thank you guys for all your hard work. And to say out of all the fansubs ive seen yours have the best quality subs. Keep up the excellent work ^^
Wo ai ni DoReMii!!
Thanks so very much for subbing Ying Ye 3+1! Also a million thanks for still seeding it. I just found out about this drama yesterday and downloading it, with not much hope of seed since its quite old but so surprise to see 1 or 2 seeds. And congrats for such great subs and sacrifice. Jia you and sie sie :-)
hello, we love your team's work on hotaru no hikari..
thank you very much!
Hi! I am very glad to have found this site...
you guys are a blessing to those people like me who loves AsianSeries..
I'm currently watching DOwn With Love! Thank you very much. I'll be waiting for the next episodes..
More power and Godbless everyone!
Thank you for your work!!!!
I'm happy for your translation, really thank!
You guys are AMAZING for your endurance with your years of subbing. Thank you for making these wonderful shows available to us English-speakers. Thank you soooo much for all your hard work. Much love.
thanx much for the uploads especially MING DAO dramas... thank u thank u... if u guys could upload another MING DAO drama, would totally appreciate it... thanx again, keep it up guys! take care :)
DoReMii rulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
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