Friday, December 6, 2013

Four Gifts Eps 20-24 COMPLETE!!!

That's right. Your eyes are not deceiving you. We are releasing the final 5 episodes together of Four Gifts! It's been a fairly long road to get this one done, but we got there in the end!

We also will be soon putting several of our projects on hold due to lack of staff. At the moment we have about 5 active members and we have decided to not spread ourselves so thin and hopefully that means we'll finish some of our projects sooner rather than later. We do have some episodes of those dramas to be put on hold almost at the release stage and when those episodes are done they'll be going on hold. We'll come back to them when we've finished active projects.

As always we do need translators and spot translators so if you have some free time you are most welcome to join us!

Do enjoy the final episodes!

Mirror 1 | Mirror 2


Sparks of Ember said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You guys are awesome. Thanks so much for all your hard work. It's a shame there aren't nearly the subbers that there used to be. I wish I could help but I only know English.

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