Thursday, December 24, 2009

Special Christmas Release - Black Tide

Today's Christmas Release is very special...

A short Taiwanese short film called "Black Tide", starring DoReMii favourites Xiao Gui (100% Ent, Pi Li MIT), Lee Shiau Shiang (K.O. 3an Guo, Say Yes Enterprise) and Lu Yi-Ching.

Xiao Gui is your average student who loves music. He is trying to live up to the shining standard his older brother has set, get his band mates to respect him, show his girlfriend he cares, make his father proud, and get into a foreign exchange program. However, when life starts to weigh heavy and Xiao Gui spirals into a well of stress and depression, will he be able to make it back out of it? With everyone so focused on their own issues, will anyone notice before it's too late? Before he...

Black Tide is a short film sponsored by the John Tung Foundation. The John Tung Foundation is a program dedicated to the education and prevention of public health issues. They produce public service announcements and advertisements for tobacco control, nutrition, and various mental health issues.

This movie addresses and educates about the serious issues of stress, depression, and suicide. While we hope you enjoy Xiao Gui's amazing and touching performance, we also hope you pay attention to the important message and information it has to share.
** Synopsis - Puppet Princess

Translation - Kyo
Spot Translation - ›:.wendeli.:‹
Timing - naive_nostalgia
Editing - Rainie_Karen
QC - Puppet Princess
Typeset & Encoding - Resie


Music featured:

From myself and all the staff at DoReMii, we wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas~


psychotic raz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

yay! an early christmas present! merry christmas DoReMii! (^_^)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks Happy Holidays

Julianne said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This feels like such a big christmas present to me because I really like Alien that much. Thank you guys for subbing this, have a great holiday!

Miss Ida said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thank you so much for the Xmas present. Hope you guys have a wonderful Xmas celebration.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

thank u so much for this but i can't seem to play the 2nd video :(

Puppet Princess said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Read the FAQ please. It will explain how to watch part 2.

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