Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boxing Gloves, Rag Dolls - Life Story

It's been awhile since we did one of these and today we bring to you a very cute little story...

"This guy is such a girl..."

"How come that girl is such a man...?"

With society becoming more accepting, youth's ideas of genders are also becoming more and more open. But "gender openness" doesn't mean "gender acceptance"s openness. "Girly boy" and "man-woman" are still considered "abnormal", "to be improved", or "to be rejected" by the youth of today. "Boxing Gloves, Rag Dolls" follows this topic and plans to discuss the problem of youth facing gender acceptance.

This is the story of highschoolers Xia Fang Wei and Lu Qi Hong. Xiao Xia's family owns a boxing hall and she feels that she is not girly enough and has a bad temper. Lu Qi Hong lives with his father, a barber and can do all sorts of girly type things such as making dolls and is gentle. He wants to become more like a man. What will happen when the queen boxer and the sissy guy team up to help each other?


We have now changed to a new layout out to reflect the holiday season ^_^

ALSO! Announcing DoReMii on Twitter! All the same rules apply to the twitter that are for the blog. Follow us for a streamlined source to our release and news announcements!


psychotic raz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

wow! i love the new layout! soo winter-y.. XD makes me wish it's snowing on my side of the world! XD

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I like this a lot better than the last layout. Happy holidays. ^__^

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I really love the color scheme this time around! Radio stations over here have already been playing Christmas songs - it's not even Thanksgiving yet. ^__^

Puppet Princess said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It's some random shot of Huangshan. It should pop up pretty quickly with an image search of Huangshan or Yellow Mountain.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I really like the movie :) Thank you for subbing it!

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