Sunday, January 6, 2008

DoReMii 1st Birthday Celebration - Day Six

Day six woohoo. And what do we have today?...

Feng by Jay Chou! Who doesn't love Jay? He is like the definition of greatness.
Though this MV makes him seem a tinny bit... obsessive? The song is still awesome and Jay still rocks. What a cutie. :P

Credits: RAW: Resie; Translator: angeliclovegal; Base Time: trinad; Editor: debbie; K-Timer + Typesetting + QC + Encoder: Puppet Princess


*The reason Resie let me make the post on her MV week... note the credits... this was Puppet's baby. :P*


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

ii think it would be great if you guys could sub that new music video by JVKV(f4) // the video "waiting for you" =]

Rinny said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

<33 Jay Chou ^^ and the vid at the end was a little creepy... lol all those pictures XD obsessive

Manyaka said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I just notice. I like Jay Chou. Thanks Doremi for translate his song. ^_^

anicheung said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yes! Definitely. Who doesn't love Jay? He IS the definition of greatness! Sorry for repeating your words, but they really DO describe Jay to perfection. Jay Chou is just simply awesome!

Thanks for the MV!

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