Now don't say we didn't warn you... Here is another yummy Danson MV, this time it's X-Family's end theme 'Most loved is still you'. Go get and drool. Oh and you shall also be able to get this from the X-Family 1-5 torrent at d-a.

Credits: Translator: SweetNocturne, Timer + Raw Provider: Resie, Editing: ccdj, Kara-timing + KaraFX + QC + Encoding: Puppet Princess
Just a perfect way to start my day, before I have a heavy study session ahead of me :D Thank you!
YAY! Another Danson karaoke ! So happy! Another thing to keep me procrastinating! =]
Thank-you very much, DoReMii!!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to sub this rocking MV! I definitely agree with you guys: Danson is HOT! XDDD You guys are awesome!
hey thanks a lot!! i love this MV..Danson looks so georgeous XD...
thanks again.....
kissus for u!!!***
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